Get rid of Dandruff in an Instant- Home Remedy

get rid of dandruff in an instant
get rid of dandruff in an instant

Sharing with you all my tried and tested magic home remedy to get rid of dandruff in an instant.

What is dandruff?

Small pieces of dead skin, which is kind of flaky on one’s head.

What causes dandruff?

There can be different reasons, but mainly:

  • dry skin
  • allergy to certain products
  • yeast-like fungus
  • not shampooing often enough

There are many anti-dandruff shampoos out there but not all work. I have very dry scalp and have dandruff most of the time. I can’t apply shampoo everyday and skipping shampoo even for 2 days makes things worst. So I had to just look for an alternate solution which won’t further make my scalp dry. I don’t exactly remember who told me about this home remedy, as I have been doing this for years. For sure it wasn’t Google.

My Home Remedy Treatment for Dandruff

1. Take yogurt (any plain one) as much as needed to cover the whole scalp while massaging very gently.

2. Apply generous amount all over head.

3. Leave it on for 20 to 25 minutes.

4. Rinse well with water and shampoo.

This is a guaranteed solution to get results in a jiffy. If you are having some skin condition, then this will not work and better consult a doctor for proper treatment.


Oil your head and massage gently at least twice a week and wash hair the very next day. Hot oiling is recommended once a week. It feels good as well as is very beneficial. ❤

Hope you find this helpful , if you do , please share. 🙂

Pictures Source: Google

7 thoughts on “Get rid of Dandruff in an Instant- Home Remedy

  1. Reblogged this on Pounce To Life =^.^= and commented:
    You guys know I’m a big on the DIY’s (if they work). I’ve never heard of this method before, yogurt I know is a form of bacteria so good bacteria killing bad fungus makes sense BUT I’ve always tried to treat my dandruff like a moisture problem (so hydrating conditioners) or something only acid could fix(head and shoulders, est). I’m a big fan of selsun blue however I’m not a fan of the price. With my perm day only days away I’m not about to try this DIY now BUT I would love to hear from ya’ll. Have you tried it? Does it really work?


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